"TEXT 1"="Enable DHCP Rogue Detection on this computer"
"DESCRIPTION 1"="By default, the Windows DHCP Server is configured to check if it is allowed to server DHCP. This is done by quering the ActiveDirectory (AD) and check if this computer is authorized."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="If no authorization entry for this computer is found, the DHCP Server will shut down itself and note the situation to the event log."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="Since Service Pack 2, it is also possible to enable the DHCP Server *WITHOUT* checking the AD. This means, the DHCP will run even if it's not authorized."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="NOTE: This setting requires at least SP2 for Windows 2000."
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"